Venetia Constantine*


Age Category: Young Adult, New Adult, Adult

Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction

MSWL: I love stories that instil a sense of wonder through immersive world-building. I'm a fan of lyrical prose and voices that leap off the page. I'm drawn to epic fantasy and always enjoy found family and enemy/rival to lover tropes and I've never met an unreliable narrator I didn't like. I'm interested in mental health rep and neuro-divergent characters. I like to read stories that explore complex familial relationships, journeys of self-discovery, and Man’s relationship with the natural world. In historical fiction, I particularly enjoy books set in the Victorian period and have a soft spot for Gothic mysteries and ghost stories.


Venetia Constantine studied English at Cambridge, holds a PhD in Art History, and contributed to a number of art catalogues during their years spent working in galleries, art-dealerships and auction-houses. After taking a career hiatus to raise their children, they turned their attention back to their first love - creative writing.

Venetia enrolled in selective writing courses with Faber, Curtis Brown Creative and Jericho to develop and hone their craft, and discovered a passion for workshopping and editing other people’s writing, whilst working on their own epic fantasy trilogy (which they’re hoping to query later this year). They are an active member of the writing community on Instagram and regularly provide beta-reads and query submission package reviews for other writers.


A. Y. Chao


Janice Davis