A. Y. Chao


Age Category: Adult

Genre: Fantasy

MSWL: Give me heartfelt fantasy—I love lyrical prose but even more give me a character I will love more than life itself. Make my heart stutter and flutter. Some of my fave books: Iron Widow, Gideon the Ninth, Jade City, Her Majesty’s Royal Coven, Babel, She Who Became the Sun, The Stardust Thief…


A.Y. Chao is a Canadian fantasy writer based in the UK. She’s fascinated by the spaces where identity and belonging intersect and explores these in her writing. A recovering lawyer and xiaolongbao enthusiast, she knits to soothe anxiety and has a deep abiding love for Hobonichi planners and kawaii planner stickers. Alice lives in London with her historical geo-enthusiast hubby, chatterbox daughter, and sweet rescue pup. SHANGHAI IMMORTAL, her debut fantasy set in jazz age Shanghai about an irreverent half-fox-spirit half-vampire sasshole, is out 1 June 2023 from Hodderscape. She is represented by Jamie Cowen of Ampersand Agency.


Bethany Baptiste


Venetia Constantine*